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Kashyap Rishi

Kashyapa is one of Saptarishi, the seven famed rishis considered to be author of many hymns and verses of the Rigveda

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Kashyap Rishi


Kashyapa is a revered Vedic sage of Hinduism. He is one of the Saptarishis, the seven ancient sages of the Rigveda, as well as written numerous other Sanskrit texts and Indian Religious books. He is the most ancient Rishi listed in the colophon verse in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad.

The word “kashyapa” means turtle in Sanskrit. His contribution is highly significant in the development of this world.He has a significant position in the evolution of species, where he is called “father of all species”.

He has authored many different books in the field of ayurveda. He has also made huge contribution in the area of astrology

गोत्रस्यत्वपरिज्ञाने काश्यपं गोत्रमुच्यते |
यस्मादाह श्रुतिः सर्वाः प्रजाः कश्यपसंभवाः ||

Early Life

Sage Kashyapa or Kasyapa is an ancient sage and is regarded as the mind born son of  Lord Brahma.
He was the son of Parents

  • Marichi (father)
  • Kalā (mother)

His mother Kala was the daughter of Saint Kardam and the sister of Kapil Deva.

Saint Kashyap’s hermitage was situated at the top of Meru hill, which is highly sacred. Hindu Pantheon gives a great reverence for Meru hill and is considered highly mystical. It is believed that his mystical powers are the result of his severe austerities towards Lord Brahma.

It is also believed that Daksha Prajapathi was born to Lord Brahma, and married Aksini, and had 66 daughters. Saint Kashyap married 13 of his daughters, and along with the daughters of Daksha Prajapathi, he also married several other wives.


Sage Kashyap Rishi is one of the Seven Saptarshis in Hinduism. In Mahabharata and Puranas it has been said the Brahma had 6 sons, out of which ‘Marichi’ created Kashyap named Prajapati Putra

Sage Kashyapa or Kasyapa is an ancient sage and is regarded as the mind born son of Lord Brahma. Kashyapa Maharshi along with the other 6  rishis helped Lord Brahmadev in the creation of earth. 

Sage Kashyapa  is regarded as the father of the Devas, Asuras, Nagas and all of humanity. 

Lineage of Sage Kashyap

  • With his first wife Aditi, he fathered  Agni, the Adityas, and the Vamana avatar of Lord Vishnu.
  • His sons from Aditi or Adityas (Sons of Aditi) were, Aṃśa, Aryaman, Bhaga, Dhūti, Mitra, Pūṣan, a daughter Bhumidevi, Śakra, Savitṛ, Tvaṣṭṛ, Varuṇa, Viṣṇu, and Vivasvat or Vivasvan, who went on to start the Solar Dynasty (Suryavansha), which later came to be known as Ikshvaku dynasty, after his great grandson, King Ikshvaku, whose subsequent kings were, Kukshi, Vikukshi, Bana, Anaranya, Prithu, Trishanku, and finally King Raghu, who gave it the name, Raghuvansh (Dynasty of Raghu), and then further leading up to Lord Ram, the son of Dashrath.
  • Hiranyakashipu, Hiranyaksha and Sinhika were the children of Kashyapa with his second wife Diti.
  • His sons from Diti were, Hiranyakashipu and Hiranyaksha and a daughter Sinhika, who later became the wife of Viprachitti. Hiranyakashipu had four sons, Anuhlada, Hlada, Prahlada, and Sanhlada, who further extended the Daityas.
  • From his wife Vinata, he fathered Garuda and Aruna
  • Garuda and aruna are the sons of Kashyap from his wife, Vinata


Saint Jamadagni’s son was Lord Parshuram, who battled against all Kshatriyas on the earth. Lord Parshuram then conducted a great Ashwamedha Yagya and donated the earth to Saint Kashyap. It was Saint Kashyap, who asked Lord Parshuram to the Mahendra Mountain facing the Southern ocean, as he feared that he would lose all Kshatriyas. Lord Parashuram obeyed him, and he did not stay on earth since then. The earth was then called as “kashyapi” since then.


The famous ancient scripture Kashyap Samhita or Braddha Jivakiya Tantra was written by Kashyapa Rishi. It was revised by Vatsya. The treatise is written as a tutorial between the medical sage Kashyapa and his student named Vriddhajivaka, and mostly related to caring for babies and diseases of children.

Kashyapa Jnanakandah, or Kashyapa’s book of wisdom, is a 9th-century text of the Vaishnavism tradition.

Kaśyapa dharmasutra, likely an ancient text, but now believed to be lost. The text’s existence is inferred from quotes and citations by medieval Indian scholars.

Kaśyapa sangita, likely another ancient text, but now believed to be lost. A treatise on music, it is quoted by Shaivism and Advaita scholar Abhinavagupta, wherein he cites sage Kasyapa explanation on viniyoga of each rasa and bhava. Another Hindu music scholar named Hrdanyangama mentions Kashyapa’s contributions to the theory of alankara (musical note decorations).

Kasyapasilpa, also called Amsumad agama, Kasypiya or Silpasastra of Kaśyapa, is a Sanskrit treatise on architecture, iconography and the decorative arts, probably completed in the 11th century.Rishi Kashyap composed many more scriptures in astrology Kashyapa Hora, Kashyapa Samhita (Sage Kasyapa)

Work : conclusion

  • Rishi Kashyap raised thousands of people who could do cultural work.
  • When the Kshatriyas were destroyed, the Brahmins were corrupted and the Vaishyas were profiteers, the sage Kashyap took all the three Varnas with him and revived the culture.
  • Rishi Kashyap revived the Kshatriya, Brahmin and Vaishya races, restructured society by stabilizing human values.
  • Raised the dead-footed racism in the true sense of the word.

Work : Kashyap Samhita

  • Kashyap Samhita in field of kaumarbhritya, one of the eight branches of ayurveda, which deals with care and diseases of children.
  • It is a compendium based on the teachings of Acharya Kashyap, which was compiled by Vriddha Jivaka and redacted by Vatsya. Kaumarbhritya is the branch of ayurveda dealing with care of infants and children, diseases and treatment of Dhatri (wet nurse or care taker of child), milk, its qualities and treatment of milk related disorders and diseases due to bal grahas.
  • Kashyap samhita is divided into eight sthanas (sections) excluding Khila sthana.(sutra, nidana, vimana,shareer, indriya, chikitsa, siddhi and kalpa).

Teaching and values

Kashyap Samhita for Child Development :-

The samhita stresses upon the importance of diet in children and terms it as `mahabhaishajya`.

  • It has a chapter named `Dantjanmika` which throws light on proper timing of teething, qualities of teeth erupted in fourth to seventh months, qualities of ideal teeth and gums, names and number teeth.
  • Kashyap samhita also gives dose of ghrita (Ghee) according to age from birth to eight months.
  • Several issues of psychology are also described as can be seen in description of toys to be placed in kumaragaar (nursery). They should be beautiful but not fearful. The environment should be pleasant and child should never be frightened.
  • Kashyap acharya has devoted a separate chapter for Lehan (electuaries) in which he has dealt with indications and contraindications of lehan, swarnaprashan (administration of gold preparations) and various formulations).

Relevance in Today’s World

  • Books written by him Kashyap Samhita or Braddha Jivakiya Tantra which are considered , a classical reference book on Ayurveda especially in fields of Ayurvedic Pediatrics, Gynecology & Obstetrics
  • Astrology became very helpful in determining a person’s past, future and present. From amongst all the astrologers, Saint Vedvyas and Kashyap held the great importance. They have developed several elements related to astrology. which are used in today’s world.
  • It is forbidden to marry bride and groom with same Gautra. Today also this rule is applied while match making. People, who marry with same Gautra.

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